Mōsō Yama 孟宗山 — Confucian teachings on family | The Gion Festival

Gion Festival
Oct 6, 2022


The story goes that everyone agreed the miraculous was made possible by Mōsō’s virtuous devotion. Along with Kakkyō Yama, we can see here the influence that Confucian values had on Japanese culture. You’ll notice the strikingly dramatic, mostly black- mousou yama deity statue shrine offerings gion festival kyoto japan and-white tapestry depicting bamboo, with weaving imitating Japanese ink paintings.
According to a Yuan dynasty (13th-14th century) Chinese text on Confucian values, Meng Zong (Japanese: Mōsō) was a lower-level government offical who lived in the 3rd century. His mother was seriously ill, and wanting to provide her with some relief, in desperation he wandered around in the snow looking for bamboo shoots, her favorite food.

Visit Now For Read More: https://www.gionfestival.org/moso-yama/



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