En no Gyōja Yama 役行者山 — The Founder of Shugendō | Gion Matsuri | The Gion Festival

Gion Festival
Aug 10, 2022


Modern-day yamabushi visit this yama every year to pay respects to their founder. See the Yamabushi Yama webpage for more about yamabushi. En no Gyōja Yama has an unusually diverse collection of mostly original treasures, including many Chinese tapestries depicting dragons, painted scrolls of the yama throughout the centuries, and even a map of locations of yamaboko throughout history. The latter shows names and locations of yamaboko that no longer exist, comprising a good example of how these valuable artifacts shed light onto the Gion Festival’s past.

Read More: https://www.gionfestival.org/yamabushi-and-gion-festival/



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Gion Festival

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